Here at MetaCrossing, every order is fulfilled by myself Jib, I like to describe myself as a TCG Enthusiast. Whether it be collecting, investing or playing card games on the competitive level I enjoy it all!
My objective is to foster a player base for the all new MetaZoo Trading Card Game, as well as the existing Legacy MetaZoo format on the Local level. I plan to accomplish this by hosting Learn To Play events, as well as local tournaments here in U fore Cryptid Nation: Base Set was to release. Riding in on the winds of nostalgia during Covid, I found myself eager to compete and collect a new card game. MetaZoo seemed to fit the bill perfectly, resembling Pokemon and taking me back to the good days! I traveled to Rocky Mountain Collectibles to compete in the first ever sanctioned in person tournament. From there it was all history, as I found myself competing in every major tournament MetaZoo could put on.
Thank you fellow MetaZoo fan for being here and sharing the journey with me. If you find yourself interested in the history of MetaZoo, Art or Gameplay stick around! I plan on adding a lot to this site to keep it alive.
- JibWizard